Kyrie VIII
Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Acclamation
Sanctus XVIII
Mysterium Fidei
Agnus Dei
Communion: Hoc Corpus (7)
Communion: Hoc Corpus (7)
Per Signum Crucis in English, SEP, (14)
Dico voibis (21)
Tu Mandasti in English, SEP (28)
Salve Regina
I just discovered your apostolate and blog from the New Liturgical Movement! I post links to the Propers of the Traditional Latin Mass each day and each Sunday or Holy Day, I post You Tube or Vimeo videos of Gregorian Chant of the Propers.
On a daily basis, I publish two "Roundups" which are links to articles of interest to more traditional Catholics and always include links to the NLM and Chant Cafe blogs. I am not a musician, but love Gregorian Chant and am eager to post more links or articles about it.
I applaud you on your Schola! If you'd like to contact me in order to post events, or should you record videos on Vimeo or You Tube, I'd be happy to publicize those as well.
I am firm in my belief that our Catholic patrimony lies in traditional forms of worship and especially the gorgeous music which has passed down to us through the ages. I've subscribed to your blog feed to be sure I don't miss anything!
Pax tecum!
Hello, I'm Mia Coyne and thank you for all your work. I also visit Chant Cafe and NLM on daily basis. Nice meeting you here.
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