Monday, November 5, 2012

Worship God in Song

 Vivace! 108 November 2012 

... A people united in prayer is wonderful to behold and this is what music, far more than words, can achieve. There are many fine hymns with inspirational texts - but many parishes are content with pap and nursery rhyme ditties. Appropriate seminary education is once more the key. The young priest should have at his/her fingertips a comprehensive knowledge of the best liturgical music plus the ability to teach and sing it. Positive leadership is needed so that the potential joy of congregational singing can be realized. Obviously, standards within a parish will vary, weather and atmosphere are not always conducive to good singing. This is the natural order of things.

Parish singing should be a priority and the occasional Songs of Praise where musicians and choirs get together for a celebration of hymn-singing - perhaps on an ecumenical basis - can be of immense help. I would like to see parishes arrange such a service on an annual or regular basis. This will raise the profile of parish music and give people a pride and joy in their singing. Let’s get together and worship God in song.

Colin Mawby KSG

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